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Arralis announces New 100 GHz LNA/MPA

A new 4-stage pHEMPT MMIC device model TU-W1320302 is now available from Arralis, covering a frequency range of 98-102GHz and providing better than 5 dB noise figure with more than 20dB of stable small signal gain.

In addition, the device can also be used as a medium power amplifier; supplied to deliver 16dBm of saturated output power. The robust design enables the device to withstand more than 10dBm of input power without damage thereby negating the need, in most cases, for lossy input stage protection.


"¢ Narrow Bandwidth Millimetre-wave Imaging

"¢ High Resolution Radar

"¢ Sensing

"¢ P2P Communications; short haul/high capacity/low interference links

The 5x3mm MMIC die is currently in stock and packaged versions with a WR10 waveguide interface are also available on a short lead time. The device will be particularly of interest for security applications where passive millimetre-wave imaging has returned to a strong growth cycle.

Arralis is a leading manufacturer of a full set of W-band millimetre-wave MMICs. This enables designers to realise complete receiver and transmitter front ends. Arralis recently announced a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) for the company's W-band chipset.

For further information contact info@arralis.com

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