News Article

Pasternack Introduces USB Controlled microwave range

USB controlled RF amplifiers, attenuators and PIN diode switches up to 40GHz

Pasternack, a US manufacturer and supplier of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, has released new lines of USB controlled microwave and millimeter wave components which include amplifiers, attenuators and PIN diode switches.

The new components are controlled and powered by a USB 2.0 port with driverless installation, meaning no external power supply is required. The attenuators and PIN diode switches require an easy-to-use downloadable software program which interfaces with any Windows computer.

The company is releasing two models each of the amplifiers, switches and attenuators that cover extremely wide frequency bands up to 40GHz. The modules are 50Ohm hybrid MIC designs that do not require any external matching components.

 Pasternack's new USB controlled amplifiers offer typical performance of 12dB gain, 10dBm P1dB, a 4.5dB noise figure and operate over a 50MHz to 18GHz band or 50MHz to 4 GHz band. The attenuators offer typical performance of 30dB attenuation, 5 to 8 dB of insertion loss, a 1 dB step size and are available in two programmable models that cover 100 MHz to 18 GHz and 100MHz to 40GHz. 

Lastly, the SPDT switches offer typical performance 3 to 5dB of insertion loss, 65 to 70dB isolation, a 6µsec switching speed and are available in two models that cover 500MHz to 18GHz and 500MHz to 40GHz. All models operate over a broad temperature range of -40 to +85degC and depending on the frequency, are available with either female SMA or 2.92mm connectors. 

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