US Energy Department awards over $10m to solid state lighting R&D

The US Energy Department has announced nine research and development projects that will receive funding to support solid-state lighting (SSL) technology research, product development and US manufacturing. The aim is to help accelerate the development of high-quality LED and OLED products that can reduce overall US energy consumption and save consumers money.
Department-funded R&D will foster technology breakthroughs to unlock new levels of performance and energy savings; for example, DOE targets look to increase the efficiency of today's LEDs by an additional 66 percent. As solid-state electronic technology, LED lighting also offers new potential for advanced lighting control, including colour tuning and intelligent, adaptive lighting.
In total, the nine competitively-selected projects will receive more than $8.2 million and with private sector cost sharing reach a total investment of more than $11.5 million.
"Advances in solid-state lighting technology are critically important for moving the nation closer to a clean energy future, while keeping money in the pocketbooks of American families at the same time," said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. "These Department-funded projects will help tap the full energy-saving potential of solid-state lighting, and create jobs in related industries across the United States."
Projects selected include: Acuity Brands Lighting (Berkeley, California), which is to develop an organic light-emitting diode that increases efficiency and light output; Cree (Durham, North Carolina) to create a cost-effective, high-efficacy demonstration bulb that renders colours accurately; Philips Research North America (Briarcliff Manor, New York) to develop an innovative LED office lighting system that features controls to maximize energy efficiency and occupant health and well-being; and RTI International (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) to develop novel designs for classroom integrated dynamic lighting systems.
This is the tenth round of the Department's investments in solid-state lighting core technology research and product development, and the sixth round of its investments in US solid-state lighting manufacturing R&D. These efforts are meant to accelerate the adoption of SSL technology through improvements that reduce costs and enhance product quality and performance. For a list of the requested funds by project, please visit the SSL website.