News Article

Fairview Debuts Family of High-Rel Amplifiers

Broadband frequency ranges from 0.5MHz to 20GHz 

Fairview Microwave, a US supplier of microwave and RF components, has released a complete portfolio of coaxial high reliability power amplifiers with broadband frequencies ranging from 0.5 MHz to 20 GHz that can operate over extreme temperatures across -55degC to +85degC.

These high-rel amplifiers are commonly used in demanding environments for applications involved with electronic warfare, instrumentation, military communications, radar, point-to-point radio, telecom, test & measurement, medical, and SATCOM industries.

The new families of hi-rel power amplifiers from Fairview are designed to overcome the electrical and mechanical stresses that are seen with exposure to harsh environments.

These RF amplifiers boast rugged package enclosures that can withstand vibration and shock exposure during handling and transport. Several models in this offering are designed to meet MIL-STD-202 and MIL-STD-810 environmental test conditions, while some amplifier designs are environmentally screened in production to MIL-STD-202 test conditions.

Some models feature integrated heatsink and cooling fans for improved thermal dissipation performance resulting in extended operating life.  And for added reliability against harsh environments, certain models utilize hermetically sealed coaxial packages.

 Fairview's high reliability power amplifiers can generate saturated output power levels (Psat) up to 100 watts and all models require only a single positive voltage supply ranging from +12 to +42 Vdc. Small signal gain levels range from 11 dB to 58 dB with IP3 linearity up to +66 dBm resulting in high dynamic range. All models are unconditionally stable.

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