News Article

Expanded range of IR detectors

Laser Components announces new x-InGaAs and InAs photodiodes

Laser Components Detector Group has announced two new IR detectors, the IG19 and IA35.

the IG19 is a new x-InGaAs photodiode with a peak wavelength of 1.75µm, making it suitablefor applications that cannot be met spectrally with a regular InGaAs photodiode. The IG19X1000S4i with a 1mm chip diameter in a TO-46 housing is the standard product.

The IA35 is a heterostructure photodiode on an InAs substrate with a relatively wide peak at 2.8µm.  

The IA35S500S4i is available now. This detector with a 0.5mm chip is designed specifically for uncooled operation and a spectral range of up to 3.5µm (20 percent cut-off).

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