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VSAT Shipments to Double by 2020

 Growth to fuel 30 percent CAGR for GaN revenue, says Strategy Analytics report

Spurred by new technology and architectures, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) applications are evolving from enterprise connectivity and video to competitive wireless broadband alternative, according to the latest Strategy Analytics Advanced Semiconductor Applications (ASA) service report.

"˜Compound Semiconductor Content in Commercial Satellite Communications Networks: 2015 "“ 2020' indicates that growth in data traffic requirements will nearly double the quantity of all the elements of the commercial satellite communications network by 2020.

The report concludes that this growth, coupled with increasing market share will fuel a 30 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for GaN revenue in this segment over the forecast period.

Eric Higham, service director, Advanced Semiconductor Applications service commented:"The VSAT industry is moving to higher frequencies, more onboard processing and High Throughput Satellites (HTS) as a means of enhancing the data rate capabilities of satcom networks".

He added, "GaN is enabling these new capabilities, so we expect strong growth from the technology as it makes fast inroads into applications previously served by traveling wave tube amplifiers".

Asif Anwar, service director, Advanced Defence Systems service added: "While conventional applications are still the largest users, internet and mobility-related applications will be the fastest growing segments of the commercial satellite communications industry".

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