News Article

Hercules E-band module takes off with need for speed


Filtronic new product, wins two new contracts in quick succession

Mmwave company Filtronic has announced two new contracts for its Hercules II module, used in ultra-high-power E-band links for long-range private networks.

Launched at the recent European Microwave Week, Hercules II combines the Morpheus II transceiver and either a Cerus 4 or 8 SSPA module. The new design is targeted at long-range, high-capacity private networks to boost the available transmit power. It also provides an option to incorporate an ultra-low noise LNA to further optimise link budget, ensuring extended reach and enhanced coverage.

The contracts valued circa £0.3m are for the supply of initial trial units, for which follow-on business is anticipated in 2024, as part of existing network upgrades.

For 5G and beyond, the E-band spectrum (70/80GHz) is essential, in addition to offering fibre-like capacities, it can be rolled out quickly and efficiently. With E-band acting like fibre “in the sky”, it raises the possibility of ultra-fast, long-range hops as an enterprise solution for large private networks.

"These new opportunities mark the next stage of our growth in this exciting market," said Dan Rhodes, business development director at Filtronic. "The Hercules II enables our customers to access up to +36dBm transmit power, providing them with a reliable and sturdy connection, even over long distances. This makes it the preferred solution for demanding applications that require significant power reserves."

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