News Article

Hamamatsu makes tiny UV-sensitive spectrometer


Finger-tip sized device can be mounted in compact water quality monitors for rivers, lakes or oceans

Hamamatsu Photonics has introduces a UV-sensitive mini-spectrometer micro series called the C16767MA, which separates UV light in the range of 190 to 440nm into multiple wavelengths and then simultaneously measures the light intensity at each wavelength.

According to the company, the finger-tip sized device can be mounted in compact water quality monitors for rivers, lakes or oceans to allow inspection of the content of multiple types of pollutants in water via absorption spectrophotometry.

The C16767MA is said to give good results in measuring nitrite, nitric acid, and organic pollution parameters (BOD or biochemical oxygen demand levels), which are common test items for water quality. Measurement of organic compound anthracene achieved results comparable to those obtained from a benchtop spectrophotometer.

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