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Luminus expands UV portfolio


Gen2 XBT-3535 series provides multiple wavelength options and improved performance

LED firm Luminus Devices has launched an addition to its UV LED portfolio with multiple wavelength options including 265 nm, 275 nm, 285 nm, 308 nm, and 340 nm.

Known as Gen2 XBT-3535 series, these LEDs complement Luminus's existing UVA and near-UV portfolio, which includes 365 nm, 385 nm, 395 nm, 405 nm, and 415 nm.

The addition of 265 nm, alongside the previously offered 275 nm, makes the range tailored for air, water, and surface disinfection applications. A lower power, cost-effective “Mini” version is also available in 275 nm with a power output of 20 mW at 150 mA.

Murali Kumar, business Line Director at Luminus said: “What sets the 265 nm wavelength apart is its remarkable 56 percent improvement in disinfection efficiency compared to 280 nm, surpassing even the 22 percent increase achieved with 275 nm. Delivering an impressive output power of more than 60 mW at 500 mA, the XBT-3535 series outperforms its Gen 1, 275 nm predecessor, in both disinfection performance and cost-effectiveness ($/mW).”

In the UVB range, the XBT-3535 series introduces two options: 285 nm and 308 nm. The 285 nm variant, designed for horticulture and analytical instruments, boasts a performance exceeding 85 mW at 500 mA. On the other hand, the 308 nm variant, available in the "Mini" version, offers a cost-effective solution for phototherapy and, horticulture, delivering a power output of more than 30 mW at 150 mA.

Catering to medical and analytical applications, the XBT-3535 at 340 nm stands out with a powerful 90 mW output at 500 mA. Currently, the 265 nm, 275 nm, and 285 nm wavelengths are in production and available, with orders now also being accepted for the 308 nm and 340 nm variants, slated for production in Q1, 2024.

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