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Trumpf to show 100Gbps VCSEL-based 800GGbps transceiver at OFC


Performance optimised for short reach using Trumpf VCSEL inside Optomind’s transceiver

Trumpf Photonic Components is showcasing 100Gbps VCSEL performance in a 800Gbps transceiver at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC) in San Diego, CA. The company says that with increasing demand for multichannel high-speed data transmission in AI/ML-based hyperscale cloud computing space, 800 Gbps data rate at 100Gbps per lane and beyond is essential.

“We are delighted to have achieved a performance of 800Gbps in our transceiver leveraging innovative optics technology and Trumpf’s VCSEL” commented Yung Son, chief marketing Officer of Optomind. “We look forward to solidifying our partnership with Trumpf as the strategic best-in-class VCSEL supplier for distinguished transceiver and active optical cable (AOC) to our customers,” he added.

“We are pleased to have collaborated with Optomind to demonstrate the performance of our VCSEL at PAM4 112Gbps/ch in their transceiver, which validates the use of it in a real-world application,” says Ralph Gudde, VP of marketing and sales at Trumpf Photonic Components. “A full-featured version of our 100G VCSEL is planned for production release this summer,” he explained.

Trumpf is offering both VCSELs and photodiodes as a matching pair solution, in singlets, 1x4 arrays and 1x12 arrays for 14G and 25G for the NRZ applications. The same is offered for 56G PAM4 applications. The VCSELs are specifically designed and implemented to meet the requirements of hyperscale data centers including for AI/ML applications, high-performance computing systems, and other bandwidth-intensive applications, as they deliver high performance and reliable data transmission at high speeds.

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