News Article

UK Government buys compound semi fab

Ministry of Defence buys GaAs fab in Newton Aycliffe, from Coherent

The UK Government has acquired Coherent's GaAs fab in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, as a crucial supply chain to UK defence. The new company will be called Octric Semiconductors UK.

The site is said to be the only secure facility in the UK with the skills and capability to manufacture GaAs semiconductors, vital for a number of military platforms, including to boost fighter jet capabilities.

The announcement comes ahead of the Investment Summit next month which will make clear that the UK is “open for business” as the UK government resets relations with trading partners around the globe and creates a pro-business environment that supports innovation and high-quality jobs at home and supports our mission to deliver growth.

Visiting the fab, Defence Secretary John Healey said: "Semiconductors are at the forefront of the technology we rely upon today, and will be crucial in securing our military’s capabilities for tomorrow.

"This acquisition is a clear signal that our government will back British defence production. We’ll protect and grow our UK Defence supply chain, supporting North East jobs, safeguarding crucial tech for our Armed Forces and boosting our national security."

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