News Article

IQE plc Announces Product Qualification and Six Inch Wafer Order

IQE, the World s largest pure play outsource supplier of compound semiconductor epiwafers, is pleased to announce completion of its first production orders from the new generation of multiwafer MBE systems, the VG V150 and receipt of its first six inch production order.

During the last four weeks two major US customers have completed their qualification programmes of four inch wafers and released the first production batches, which have now been successfully produced and delivered to those customers. Wafers from the new production platform performed extremely well in qualification, with excellent uniformity of device characteristics. Although the current production releases were for four inch product, IQE has also received its first volume order for six inch wafers, which is rapidly expected to become the industry standard wafer size for electronic products over the next two years.

The new production platform allows the simultaneous production of up to nine four inch wafers or four six inch wafers, a factor of three times the capacity of existing production machines. IQE is the first epiwafer supplier to install and produce using this platform and has currently another eight of these large MBE reactors on order, which when installed will give IQE the largest production capacity for six inch wafers of any producer worldwide. In addition IQE has a purchase agreement for a further seven multiwafer six inch MOVPE reactors from Aixtron GmBH, and is currently developing six inch HBT product on recently acquired reactors, using newly installed robotic wafer handling systems.

Dr Tom Hierl, CEO said the success of these qualification programmes and delivery of the first production releases mark another milestone in our strategy to become the dominant supplier of cost effective epitaxy to the Compound Semiconductor Industry. We are the first company to bring on line this new generation of multiwafer MBE production platforms, which clearly demonstrates our commitment to provide the highest level of capacity and lowest cost production platform to our customers.

For further information please contact:

Dr Tom Hierl, CEO IQE plc 001 610 861 6930

Drew Nelson, Executive Chairman IQE plc 029 2079 4422

Jonathan Freeman Beeson Gregory 020 7488 4040

Andy Yeo/Nicola Cronk Buchanan Communications 020 7466 5000

Dr Tom Hierl, CEO IQE plc
001 610 861 6930
Drew Nelson, Executive Chairman
IQE plc 029 2079 4422
Jonathan Freeman Beeson
Gregory 020 7488 4040
Andy Yeo/Nicola Cronk Buchanan
Communications 020 7466 5000

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