News Article

Wide-Spread Adoption of Solution TMI (TM)

Solution TMI (TM) has shown impressive growth over the past year as the preferred indium delivery precursor for MOCVD. The advantages of Solution TMI (TM) are becoming widely recognized, as over 50 different companies around the world now use Solution TMI (TM) rather than the problematic solid TMI. Some of these advantages include consistent run-to-run pick-up; essentially 100% product usage; reduced oxygen incorporation; and accurate and reproducible compositional control.

"Solution TMI (TM) has such pronounced advantages that solid TMI could be obsolete in less than two years," states Dr. Craig Farley of EMCORE Electronic Materials, a leading producer of MOCVD epitaxial material. "There are good reasons to switch and many of EMCORE¹s Turbodisc customers have already done so. EMCORE s internal epi operations are now almost exclusively using Solution TMI (TM) in the manufacture of epitaxial material for wireless applications," added Dr. Farley. Solution TMI (TM) was originally developed back in 1990 by Billiton Precursors (at that time a division of Shell Oil). The technology, subsequently sold to Epichem in 1993, has been developed and enhanced ever since. Japan was one of the first market areas to embrace the Solution TMI (TM) concept and now the rest of the world is following their lead.

Epichem continues to work on novel delivery systems for Solution TMI (TM) users that will dramatically increase reactor efficiency and throughput critical metrics for cost effective manufacturing. Per Mark Fine, President of Epichem, Inc., "The III-V market is finally moving into high volume production-oriented applications. The market is likely to pattern the proven silicon-based semiconductor road maps and manufacturing philosophies. For the technology to expand improved delivery systems have to be developed and adopted for high volume precursors, particularly for difficult solids such as TMI. Solution TMI (TM) fits into that pattern and is proving to be the choice for indium delivery in MOCVD. The many draw-backs of using solid TMI have finally been overcome." For more information on Epichem and Solution TMI (TM), contact your local sales or technical representative.


Dr Lesley Smith,

Tel: +44 151 334 2774,
Fax: +44 151 334 6422
Gregory Muhr,
Tel: 610 706 0606,
Fax: 610 706 0888
E-mail: muhrgt@epichem.com
Web site: http://www.epichem.com


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