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LumiLeds Lighting Wins Prestigious Automotive News PACE Award!

SnapLED Technology Revolutionizes Automotive Lighting With Improved Reliability, Low Power Consumption, Ruggedness, and Design Flexibility!

San Jose, CA. Automotive News and Ernst & Young LLP have awarded the 2000 PACE Award to LumiLeds Lighting this week in Dearborn, Michigan. The PACE award (Premier Automotive Suppliers Contributions to Excellence), recognizes companies which have demonstrated a commitment to value-driven innovation in product, technology, process and management practices. This year, 23 independent judges selected LumiLeds Lighting for its development of the SnapLED(TM) technology.

This product innovation combines high-powered LEDs (light emitting diodes) clinched to a metal substrate. This solution provides automotive manufacturers with a robust, thin lighting solution for exterior lighting applications. Robust because LEDs are solid state technology, thus no filaments to break on a rough ride or trunk slam. And because the LEDs are so thin, reduced tail lamp thickness means a notable increase in trunk space for the consumer. In Addition, LEDs offer a safety benefit by turning on faster than incandescent lights. This fast turn-on time translates into an additional car-length of stopping distance at 60mph.

With benefits like safety, ruggedness and design flexibility, the SnapLED(TM) is gaining rapid acceptance in the automotive lighting market. The SnapLED(TM) is already used in various automobiles "on the road" such as the Cadillac DeVille. In addition, LumiLeds Lighting has recently introduced a new low-cost CHMSL product (Center High Mount Stop Light) based on the SnapLED(TM) technology.

"It s great to see the industry embrace the SnapLED technology," says Adil Munshi, Business Manager for Automotive Lighting at LumiLeds. "And we are thrilled to get this recognition for our effort to revolutionize lighting in the automotive lighting industry," said Munshi, referring to the PACE award. The SAE Congress included an unprecedented number of LED lighting presentations this year, validating the market adoption of LEDs in automotive lighting applications.

About LumiLeds

LumiLeds Lighting is a joint venture between Agilent Technologies (formerly part of Hewlett-Packard), the No. 1 LED supplier, and Philips Lighting, the No. 1 lighting supplier. The joint venture is dedicated to developing innovative solid-state lighting solutions in the automotive lighting, traffic signaling, and signage markets. LumiLeds Lighting, headquartered in San Jose, California, maintains a global infrastructure including operations in Best, The Netherlands, Penang, Malaysia, and sales offices throughout the world. SnapLED is a registered trademark of LumiLeds Lighting.

Note: Information in this release is accurate at time of release. However, product specifications and availability, promotions, prices, relationships, contact numbers and other specific information is subject to change over time. Information as stated in the release may or may not be in effect after the date of release. In addition, the news releases may contain statements that are forward-looking. These statements are based on current expectations as of the date of a particular release. Actual results may differ materially from those projected because of a number of risks and uncertainty.

Contact: LumiLeds Lighting Doug Silkwood, 408/435-6031 Doug.Silkwood@lumileds.com


LumiLeds Lighting
Doug Silkwood, 408/435-6031 Doug.Silkwood@lumileds.com
E-mail: Doug.Silkwood@lumileds.com

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