News Article

Picopolish Opens New Facility in Switzerland

Bevaix, Switzerland. PICOPOLISH is Back!

PICOPOLISH Switzerland just celebrated, this 8th of April, the Grand Opening Ceremony of its new 7200 square meter manufacturing facility - the largest in Europe devoted to reclaiming wafers - in Bevaix, Switzerland, in the Region of Neuchatel.

Picopolish supplies reclaimed wafers used for monitoring/testing, and in the various manufacturing steps of semiconductor devices (chips). This unique process allows major manufacturers to make significant savings on materials costs.

In Bevaix, Picopolish installed two separate production lines providing this service on both silicon and gallium arsenide materials.

For the April 8 inauguration, more than 250 guests responded to the invitation to attend the event. After the officials talks, Gerard Gilles, President of Picopolish, received the official ISO 9002 certificate in the presence of Walter Roessger (VP Semi Europe), Denn Uchida (President Semi Japan) and Stan Myers (President of SEMI), who congratulated all the employees standing on the podium for this excellent and rapid achievement.

After the Ceremony, all the guests were invited to go to Neuchatel harbor, where they were greeted on board the Boat of the Swiss Silicon Lines by a classic Jazz band playing pure Dixie music and served lunch in a very warm and relaxed atmosphere! The sky was blue, the outside temperature 20°C, the lake mirrored the snowy Alp mountain peaks. It was wonderful, simply a great day!


Gerard Gilles, President
PICOPOLISH Switzerland Inc
Chapons des Prés 13
CH - 2022 Bevaix

TEL: [41] 32 847 05 55
FAX: [41] 32 847 05 56
EMAIL: picopolish@compuserve.com


Gerard Gilles, President
PICOPOLISH Switzerland Inc
Chapons des Prés 13
CH - 2022 Bevaix
TEL: [41] 32 847 05 55
FAX: [41] 32 847 05 56
EMAIL: picopolish@compuserve.com
E-mail: picopolish@compuserve.com

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