News Article

M/A-COM Doubles GaAs Fab Capacity, Adds Six-Inch Wafer Linet

M/A-COM, a unit of Tyco International is substantially expanding its GaAs wafer fabrication capacity and adding a new high volume six-inch wafer fab manufacturing line. Over the past 18 months, M/A-COM has increased its fab capacity by 400%. This expansion will represent an increase of 100% over current capacity.

This major expansion is the result of a multi-year agreement with Sanders, a Lockheed Martin Company, of Nashua, NH. Under the terms of the agreement, M/A-COM will use existing capacity and equipment at Sanders Microelectronics Center in Nashua. The facility and equipment will be modified to meet M/A-COM s unique process needs, thus dramatically reducing the typical time to bring the six-inch GaAs wafer line to full operation.

M/A-COM will manufacture Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICS) on six-inch Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) wafers for wireless telecommunications applications at Sanders Microelectronics Center. Sanders will continue to manufacture MMICs at the same facility, for the aerospace and defense markets. The Microelectronics Center houses a 13,000 square foot clean room foundry/facility using state-of-the-art processing technology and equipment, and specializes in high-performance microwave and millimeter wave devices operating at frequencies from below one to above 100 GHz. Product development is supported from advanced research and development through full-scale production for a wide range of commercial and military applications.

"Our strategy for fab capacity expansion has always been focused on our customers requirements for an ongoing supply of product," M/A-COM President Rick Hess commented. "This significant fab expansion enables M/A-COM to introduce our next generation wafer processes faster and more cost effectively while providing greatly needed additional capacity to meet market demand for our GaAs wafers and products for communications applications. This expansion allows us to meet customers capacity requirements for 2001 and beyond."

M/A-COM s newest GaAs fab manufacturing line is expected to be in full operation by the first half of calendar year 2001. It is located in Nashua, NH, just ten miles from the company s existing GaAs wafer fabrication facility in Lowell, MA. M/A-COM also operates Silicon (Si) fabs in Burlington, MA, Lowell, MA, and Torrance, CA, as well as GaAs fabs in Colorado Springs, CO, and Roanoke, VA.

Dave Hutcheson of M/A-COM, Inc.
Tel: 978-442-4047
Web site: http://www.tyco.com
E-mail: hutchesd@tycoelectronics.com
Web site: http://www.tyco.com

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