News Article

EiC Announces High Linearity EC1089

FREMONT, Calif. EiC Corporation of Fremont, California today announced the availability of a high linearity HBT broadband amplifier, the EC1089. Built to support the fast-paced wireless communications marketplace, the EC1089, packaged in a plastic SOT89 package, delivers the most linear power with typical OIP3 exceeding 42 dBm and P1dB over 23.5 dBm. This new part is available for samples now.

As a class A amplifier, EC1089 can operate in a frequency range from DC to 2.5 GHz which covers most of the commercial mobile communication bands. This amplifier can drive 50 ohms load directly; however, even better performance can be achieved by a small amount of output matching. A simple input matching circuit is needed for each operation frequency band.

The EC1089 uses a highly reliable in-house proprietary Indium Gallium Phosphide Hetero-junction Bipolar Transistor (InGaP HBT) technology, the latest player in the RFIC arena. This technology offers a long MTTF which is conservatively estimated to be over a million hours at 150 C junction temperature, derived from over 6,000 hours of lifetime test at junction temperature of 315 C and is suitable for wireless infrastructure and handsets applications.

EiC s components are tested under the strictest real life conditions possible. The improved OIP3 and increased P1dB of the EC1089, along with extensive testing under various modulations, prove that it out-performs the linearity of comparable parts.

EiC Corporation, ISO-9001 certified, is an RF integrated circuit (RFIC) company specializing in the development of GaAs HBT components for commercial applications such as wireless handsets and infrastructure systems down to 3 volts. The company s product line is comprised of a full range of RF building block components, including broadband amplifiers, driver amplifiers, low noise amplifiers (LNAs) with down converters, up converters, gain blocks for the 0 to 3GHz spectrum, and power amplifiers (PAs) in the 800-950 MHz band and the PCS band. These products, which are manufactured in high-volume standard lots at the Fremont site, target at a wide range of wireless markets, including the 900MHz ISM band and the 2.4GHz ISM band for both direct sequence and frequency hopping spread spectrum technologies. In addition, EiC targets at various standards and applications in cellular and PCS bands, such as AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, GSM, CDPD, and WLL. For more information, please visit the EiC Corporation home page at www.eiccorp.com. EiC Corporation, 45738 Northport Loop West, Fremont, CA 94538; phone: 510/979-8999, fax: 510/979-8902; sales@eiccorp.com.

CONTACT: EiC Corporation | Sales, 510/979-8999 | sales@eiccorp.com


EiC Corporation | Sales, 510/979-8999 | sales@eiccorp.com
E-mail: sales@eiccorp.com
Web site: http://www.eiccorp.com
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