News Article

Ericsson Microelectronics Rewards Multiple In-line Batch Systems Order To KDF

Rockleigh, NJ. Signaling the acceptance of its production worthy tools in the European market, KDF, a leading supplier of new and remanufactured physical vapor deposition (PVD) batch in-line systems, today announced a multiple order of 943GT systems from Ericsson Microelectronics. Installation at Ericsson s manufacturing facility in Kista-Stockholm, Sweden will be completed before third quarter. Ericsson Microelectronics is part of Ericsson Group and provides advanced microelectronic components for the communications industry.

"Our choice of KDF s 900 series tools was based on its production proven technology and cost effectiveness over competitive systems enabling us a fast solution for necessary production ramp-up," said Mr Lennart Ahlstedt, director of supply of Ericsson Microelectronics. "The 943GT technology supports our competitive edge in the telecommunications and wireless markets."

The KDF 900 series dual loadlock, in-line, sputter-down, batch systems are configured with an optional high vacuum loadlock and two or three target positions. High-rate DC magnetron sputtering, single pass or multiple-pass deposition and dual-level high vacuum pumped loadlock features make the tools versatile, high-throughput production systems. Cathode and wafer orientation are horizontal, thereby allowing the sputtered material to be transferred vertically.

"This order from Ericsson speaks highly of the market acceptance the 943GT has gained in Europe and of the tool s ability to outperform the competition," said Todd Plaisted, director of sales and marketing for KDF.

The worldwide market for batch in-line sputter and etch systems is worth approximately $200-$250 million per year. KDF acquired all MRC product lines from Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) in 1998, a move that strengthened its worldwide market position.

About Ericsson

Ericsson Microelectronics is a supplier of world class microelectronic components for wireless applications, broadband communications, fixed access and communication via fiberoptics. Also including miniaturized DC/DC power modules for distributed power architectures. Ericsson Microelectronics, with its global design, development, manufacturing and sales network, is a leading supplier of products to meet the demand for increasing speed, bandwidth and mobility in the New Telecoms World.

Ericsson is the leading communications supplier, combining innovation in mobility and Internet in creating the new era of mobile Internet. Ericsson provides total solutions covering everything from systems and applications to mobile phones and other communications tools. With more than 100,000 employees in 140 countries, Ericsson simplifies communications for customers all over the world.

About KDF Electronic & Vacuum Services, Inc.

KDF Electronic & Vacuum Services, Inc. produces original and remanufactured batch inline-sputtering tools for the mainstream silicon, emerging materials and flat-panel display markets. KDF systems are used in the production of semiconductors, photomasks, telecommunications networks, wireless circuits, gallium arsenide (GaAs), high density interconnect, sensors, opto-electronics, flat panel display and radio frequency power devices. KDF is located in Rockleigh, New Jersey, and has representatives in Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, China and Korea. www.kdf.com

Contact: KDF Electronic & Vacuum Kurt Flechsig, 201-784-5005 President kurt@kdf.com or KDF Electronic & Vacuum Todd Plaisted, 201-784-5005 Director of Sales and Marketing todd@kdf.com or The Loomis Group, Inc. Charla Jones, 617-638-0022 Northeast Regional Director charla@loomisgroup.com


KDF Electronic & Vacuum
Kurt Flechsig, 201-784-5005
KDF Electronic & Vacuum
Todd Plaisted, 201-784-5005
Director of Sales and Marketing
The Loomis Group, Inc.
Charla Jones, 617-638-0022
Northeast Regional Director
E-mail: charla@loomisgroup.com
Web site: http://www.kdf.com

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