News Article

Rockwell Receives Contract for Space-Based Power Electronics


The Rockwell Science Center recently received a $1 million contract from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory for the development of high-efficiency, radiation-hardened power electronics for use in space.

A major objective of the program will be the development of a modular, high-density power switch made from silicon carbide (SiC). The switch is a key component that is needed for power conditioning and distribution systems in platforms such as the Space Based Laser, Orbital Transfer Vehicle and Spaced Based Radar.

Benefits of the SiC power switch include reductions in power loss by a factor of 10, as well as increases in switching speed and power density that are far superior to any power modules previously developed. These improvements will, in turn, enable a five-fold reduction in the weight and size of the total power system.

In addition to benefiting space-based systems, technologies developed from this program will have commercial applications in medical electronics, automotive electronics, electrical utilities, and aircraft ignition systems.

The Rockwell Science Center is a leading industrial research and development center, performing work in the physical and information sciences for Rockwell s businesses, various commercial customers, and the U.S. Government.

Rockwell (NYSE: ROK) is a $7 billion electronic controls and communications company with global leadership positions in industrial automation, avionics and communications, and electronic commerce. The company employs about 40,000 people at more than 450 locations serving customers in more than 80 countries.

Jerry Risto, 805-373-4538, glristo@rsc.rockwell.com,
Paula Ross, 805-373-4558, pjross@rsc.rockwell.com, both of Rockwell
Web site: http://www.rockwell.com


Jerry Risto, 805-373-4538, glristo@rsc.rockwell.com,
Paula Ross, 805-373-4558, pjross@rsc.rockwell.com,
both of Rockwell
Web site: http://www.rockwell.com
E-mail: pjross@rsc.rockwell.com
Web site: http://www.rockwell.com
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