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Universities Get $25 Million Gifts to Launch Photonics Centers (Fiber Optics News)

Universities Get $25 Million Gifts to Launch Photonics Centers A former CEO of E-TEK Dynamics is to donate $25 million to both Duke University and Stanford University to establish new centers for advanced photonics. "We want to help create at Duke and Stanford the world s finest centers for photonics, which we hope will coalesce universities, industry and government to enable the full attainment of the potential of optics," said Michael Fitzpatrick. He sees a critical shortage of trained photonics engineers as endangering progress in the industry, and hopes to address this shortfall by creating centers of research excellence to "attract great students and great faculty with great labs, advanced curricula and industry internships". "It is very important that we continue the basic research in universities," said David Miller, who will head up the new photonics Institute in Stanford. "With the rapid growth of markets and the short development cycles of photonic products, industry has less time to do research. It is also very important that we train the next generation of photonics professionals with the broad skills needed by industry."
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