Technical Insight

Epigress Triples Capacity (Markets, Materials and Equipment)

Epigress AB has added a new production and office facility in Lund (Sweden) that will more than triple the company s annual capacity of CVD equipment. The new facility is designed to meet the demands of assembly and testing of single- and multi-wafer high temperature CVD and sublimation systems for SiC, in addition to UHV CVD systems for SiGe. "This new facility will give us the long term expansion capacity to meet the increasing global market demand for our process equipment and services," said Jan-Olov Fornell, managing director of Epigress. "Epigress will further optimize its production work-flows in the new facility with the objective to shorten our lead times, from order to shipment. As a member of the Aixtron group, Epigress is now positioned for rapid growth, while overseas service will be increasingly be made available through the Aixtron network."
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