Technical Insight

Kopin Introduces InGaP/GaInAsN HBT Epiwafers (Markets, Materials and Equipment)

Kopin (Taunton, MA) is sampling InGaP/GaInAsN HBT epiwafers, designed to enhance the reliability, temperature stability and RF performance of HBT transistors based on existing GaAs manufacturing processes. The new process augments the company s recently announced C-doped InP HBT epiwafers. "We are delighted to announce our success in incorporating indium and nitrogen into the base layers of our HBTs," said John Fan, president and CEO. "We have achieved substantial reductions in turn-on voltage of more than 150 mV with these InGaP/GaInAsN structures, while retaining excellent device characteristics. This major technical advance should enable significant improvements in GaAs-based HBT power amplifiers for advanced wireless handsets by lowering the operating voltage, increasing the efficiency and reducing power consumption."
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