Technical Insight

Tegal Receives Etch System Orders (Markets, Materials and Equipment)

Tegal (Petaluma, CA) has received an order from Sumitomo Electric Industries (SEI) for a Tegal 901G diode plasma etcherthe third placed by SEI in the last 12 months. SEI will use the system to etch SiO2, SiON and SiN films and photoresist, in order to increase its capacity for GaAs IC production for communication devices manufactured at the company s Yokohama plant. "As SEI continues to invest in its manufacturing facilities, Tegal s equipment has proven to be the most flexible and robust etching systems available for GaAs substrates," said Shigeru Nakajima, group leader of electron device technology for SEI. Tegal has also received an order from a global supplier of broadband networks for multiple plasma etch systems. Scheduled for installation this month, the systems will be used for nitride and GaAs etching to support development and production of high speed ICs.
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