Technical Insight

Multiplexer Using Cascaded 3D Vertical Couplers (Research Review)

A four-channel wavelength multiplexer/demultiplexer based on InGaAsP/InP has been demonstrated using cascaded 3D vertical couplers. The multiplexer featured a channel spacing of 17 nm with a cross-talk of less than 15 dB. The vertical couplers were used to couple different signals and were fabricated using wafer bonding to invert a conventionally processed epitaxial layer and bond it to a new host substrate. This approach enables a double sided wafer process, and makes it possible to fabricate 3D photonic ICs and multilevel optical interconnects. Bin Liu et al, University of California at Santa Barbara Appl. Phys. Lett., 2000, 76(3), p. 282
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