Technical Insight

TRW amplifier breaks power density record (GaAs News)

TRW (Redondo Beach, CA) has developed an InP-based microwave power amplifier that delivers a record power density of 360 mW/mm at 23 GHz, and a total output power of 400 mW. The device was developed by TRW under contract to the Air Force Research Laboratory, as part of the government s Dual Use Science and Technology program. "High performance microwave power amplifiers are a key requirement for next-generation digital radios and space-based communication systems," said Dwight Streit, TRW s VP for advanced semiconductors. "Our new InP PA demonstrates not only record power density at least twice that of any other power amplifier available today, but also provides excellent linearity and power-added efficiency." "This achievement paves the way for advanced, power-efficient active apertures used in space-based and airborne radars," added Tim Kemerley of the AFRL s Sensors Directorate. "These aerospace radar systems will need highly efficient transmit amplifiers, as well as novel approaches to antenna packaging and integration, to meet requirements for multifunction performance, low mass and affordable cost." TRW is working to bring InP technology to commercial telecommunication markets this year. Its recently completed high-volume InP production facility is due to be operational by the middle of the year.
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