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Key Conference attracts record numbers (Headline News)

Attendance at the 2001 Key Conference on Compound Semiconductors in Communications was up more than 40% from the previous year, underscoring the growing importance of this sector. The Key Conference, which is hosted by Compound Semiconductor Magazine, was held on March 56 in Key West, Florida. "We had 275 registrants this year, and while we re obviously very pleased by the turn-out, we were even happier to see that the fabs, the vendors and the financial communities were all well represented," said managing editor Marie Meyer. "The presentations were extremely good. We also like to foster general discussion and to do that you need to have all sectors of the industry in attendance." Twenty-two presentations dealing with telecommunications markets, applications and technologies were made during the two-day event (see ). The Key Conference will return to the Wyndham Casa Marina Resort in 2002, on March 78. Interested parties can register for updates by visiting the conference Web site at www.keyconference.com. Presentation materials from the 2001 conference are also available on the site.
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