Technical Insight

Luminent expands its operations (Fiber News)

Luminent, the fiber-optic component spin-off from network equipment manufacturer MRV Communications, has completed the integration of its recently acquired Asian subsidiaries, Fiber Optic Components Inc (FOCI) and Optronics International Corporation (OIC). The acquisition of OIC now known as Luminent-Hsinchu Active Component Division completes the company s goal of offering the full gamut of active components, including lasers, LEDs and transceivers for fiber-to-the-home, metro core and metro access markets (Compound Semiconductor Nov 2000, p32). FOCI, which manufactures passives components such as coarse WDM modules, fiber gratings and thin-film filters, will form Luminent s Passive Component Division and elevate the company to the ranks of the few manufacturers that combine active and passive technologies for single-mode fiber-optic networks.
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