Technical Insight

Japanese wafer shipments hit 33.3 billion (News from Japan)

Total shipments made by Japanese suppliers of compound semiconductor wafers reached 33.3 billion ($274 million) in the six-month period from April to September 2000. The figures, which were supplied by the Japanese Manufacturers Society of Compound Semiconductor Materials (JAMS-CS), indicate that total shipments increased by just over 17% compared with the previous six-month period. For the AprilSeptember 2000 period, 61% (20.3 billion) of wafer shipments were for domestic use, with the balance being exported from Japan. Total shipments for the whole of the fiscal year 1999 (ending in March 2000) were valued at 55 billion, up almost 22% from the previous year. As shown in the , GaAs wafer shipments represent just under 58% of the market, and showed strong growth recently reaching 19.3 billion between April and September 2000. GaP shipments grew slightly while InP shipments grew rapidly, driven by the demand from DWDM networks. In fact, reports indicate that InP wafer shipments reached 700 million in January of this year, and were close to 800 million in February.
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