Technical Insight

Uniroyal unveils high output power LEDs (LED News)

Uniroyal Optoelectronics has demonstrated high-brightness blue LED chips with an output of 3.5 to 4 mW. When conventionally packaged, the lamp power output is expected to be between 8 and 10 mW, making these emitters suitable for outdoor displays, in addition to enabling a number of LED-based biomedical and dental procedures. This high output power elevates these devices into the league of other LED manufacturers such as Nichia and Osram Opto Semiconductors; the latter company produces a shaped blue InGaN chip that offers 8 mW when packaged (see Compound Semiconductor February 2001, p7). Uniroyal has also begun shipping 450 and 470 nm InGaN-on-sapphire blue LEDs with a minimum power output of 2 mW in die form. When conventionally packaged, these devices are expected to result in output power levels between 4 and 5 mW. The 450 nm LED can be combined with a phosphor coating to make white lamps for niche applications such as flashlights and nightlights, while the 470 nm emitter is designed for outdoor video displays, biomedical applications and instrumentation. "Uniroyal Optoelectronics is producing increasingly higher quality products from its facilities in Tampa, Florida," said president and chief operating officer Robert Soran. "We recently doubled the capacity of our high-brightness blue and green LEDs, and we are also nearing completion of the build out of additional capacity for these devices." NorLux lighting subsidiary In further news, Uniroyal has formed NorLux, a subsidiary which has been set up to design custom lighting solutions and applications that leverage high-brightness LEDs. Based in Carol Stream, IL, NorLux is equipped with high-capacity, prototype design and test equipment in a class 10 000 clean room. The new subsidiary aims to speed up the development of solid-state lighting-based applications. See .
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