Technical Insight

Pulse generator fits a range of applications (Product Showcase)

Directed Energy Inc. (DEI) has introduced the PVX-2110, a high-power pulse generator designed for pulsing low impedance loads (from 125 ) at up to 200 V and 50 A. The PVX-2110 delivers up to 10 kW of peak output power and 5 kW of average output power, making it suited to materials testing and processing, semiconductor testing and characterization, and other test and measurement and R&D applications. The company s pulse generator can also be configured to generate positive or negative output pulses of up to 200 V with typical pulse rise and fall times of less than 100 ns. Pulse widths are continuously adjustable from less than 200 ns to 2 ms, at frequencies from single-shot to 50 KHz . Contact Geoff Smith, Alrad Imaging, Alder House, Turnpike Road Industrial Estate, Newbury, Berks RG14 2NS, UK
Tel. +44 1635 30345
Fax +44 1635 32630
Web www.alrad.co.uk
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