Technical Insight

Growth on GaAs boosts 1300nm VCSELs (research review)

VCSELs operating at 1300 nm are key to high capacity optical communication systems. Although GaAs-based 850 nm VCSELs have already been employed for these applications, longer wavelength devices have not been commercialized on a large scale. Current InP-based long wavelength lasers suffer from poor electron confinement and difficulty in forming highly reflective distributed Bragg reflectors. The GaInNAs/GaAs material system offers a potential solution to these problems. This paper, from S Sato et al. of Ricoh and the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Electronics Letters 2000, 36(24), p2018), reports on the electrically-pumped CW operation of GaInNAs/GaAs VCSELs at 1262 nm. For this device, the threshold current and voltage under CW operation were 7.6 mA and 2.8 V, respectively (see figure). The output power exceeds 0.1 mW and the slope efficiency is 0.1 W/A.
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