Technical Insight

AXT announces 1310nm edge-emitters (Fiber News)

The Laser Diode Technologies Division of AXT has announced volume production of 1310 nm FabryPerot edge emitting (EE) lasers for Gigabit Ethernet, short-reach SONET, and other high data-rate optical transceiver and data link applications. The 1310 nm EE lasers have operating powers up to 10 mW at 85C in a stable single mode. The packaged lasers have typical threshold currents of 9 mA and slope efficiencies in excess of 0.42 W/A. Operating currents for the packaged lasers are typically 22 mA. The lasers are available as epiwafers, unpackaged die and packaged TO-56 forms. "The market for telecommunications wavelength lasers continues to show strong demand as metropolitan area networks are expanded," said Morris Young, president and CEO. This is AXT s second FabryPerot EE laser and joins the 980 nm pump laser launched in February (see Compound Semiconductor April 2001, p24). AXT is an established supplier of substrates, and has vertically integrated to include LEDs, EE lasers and VCSELs in its product range in recent years.
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