Technical Insight

Multilink RZ/NRZ SiGe chipset (New Devices)

Somerset, NJ. Multilink continues to target metro, long-haul and ultra long-haul transmission networks with its latest chipset, a SiGe-based multiplexer (MTC1233) with integrated clock multiplier unit and demultiplexer with integrated clock and data recovery (MTC1234). This chipset offers a significantly increased level of integration by directly supporting the generation and recovery of return-to-zero (RZ) format data signals. The device also supports NRZ format signals, while operating at networking data rates of 10.0, 10.7 or 12.3 Gbit/s. Ultra long haul transmission systems are now using RZ format and enhanced forward error correction SFEC to increase performance. The MTC1233 and MTC1234 are designed to service this application, and include an on-chip phase-frequency detector and VCO to ease RZ system implementation and exceed SONET jitter requirements. Multilink is also addressing metro needs with adapted versions (the MTC1233M and MTC1234M) optimized for NRZ-only applications. www.mltc.com
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