Technical Insight

MwT introduces GaAs amplifiers (New Devices)

Fremont, CA. A new range of ultra-linear driver amplifiers covering the 800960, 18002000 and 21002500 MHz ranges has become available from Microwave Technologies (MwT). These devices feature output powers (P1) of +24 dBm with IP3 values of +42 dBm and 18 dB return loss for simple circuit integration. In addition, the company has introduced two fully-matched 4 W amplifiers for broadband wireless access applications using MMDS and ISM bands. Delivering 36 dBm of power at the 1 dB compression point and 13 dB of gain, these transistor PAs are manufactured using the company s GaAs MESFET technology. The MPS-242520-83 operates in the 2.42.5 GHz range and the MPS-252720-83 from 2.5 to 2.7 GHz. Both parts are fully matched to 50 ohms and use flange packages for thermal performance and reliability. The company also manufactures AlGaAs/InGaAs PHEMTs for power and gain applications at millimeter-wave frequencies. The H15 is a PHEMT with a 0.3 m gate length and 630 m gate width. The device demonstrates a P1dB of 0.5 W with gain greater than 7.5 dB across the 1826 GHz band in a balanced amplifier module. www.mwtinc.com
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