Technical Insight

Keithley controller auto-tunes TECs (Product Showcase)

The model 2510-AT from Keithley Instruments is an auto-tuning source meter designed for both production testing and control of thermoelectric coolers (TECs) used in telecom applications. Combining temperature control and measurement capabilities, the 2510-AT enables control of wavelength and light intensity output. The 2510-AT can also be integrated with other instruments in a Light-Intensity-Current-Voltage test stand. With a maximum output of 50 W, the unit s programmable power, current and temperature limits offer maximum protection against laser diode damage. A function has also been included to enable more accurate testing of the TEC Peltier heater/cooler following assembly in laser diode modules, where physical damage of the TEC can occur (see ). Contact Ellen Modock, Keithley Instruments, 28775 Aurora Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-1891, USA Tel. +1 440 498 2746 Fax +1 440 248 6168 E-mail emodock@keithley.com
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