Technical Insight

StratEdge launches mm-wave package (Product Showcase)

Designed with the thermal management needs of power amplifiers in mind, StratEdge s new millimeter-wave (2631 GHz) leaded package (part number 580403) is the first leaded product for commercial applications in the Ka-band. Prior to this, leaded packages from StratEdge were only available from DC to 23 GHz. The 580403 can be used to package power amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers and switches, and can be customized for MCMs. Using a standard copper composite base, the company s package also incorporates its microstrip-imbedded microstripmicrostrip transition design. A plastic cap lid finishes the structure and provides protection for the device. The final outside dimension is 11.43 11.43 mm2 (see ). Contact Tim Going, StratEdge, 4393 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 02123, USA Tel. +1 858 569 5000 Fax +1 858 560 6877 E-mail t.going@stratedge.com
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