Technical Insight

Mitel reborn as Zarlink Semiconductor (Fiber News)

Mitel Corporation, which manufactures analog, digital and mixed-signal ICs as well as a range of optoelectronic components and modules, has changed its name to Zarlink Semiconductor. Last December, Mitel announced it would sell its enterprise communication systems business, including the Mitel name, leaving a company focused on semiconductor products. Zarlink has headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, as well as several facilities in Europe. The company manufactures VCSEL-based transceivers and other optoelectronic components at its facility in Jarfalla, Sweden. Elsewhere, Zarlink manufactures communication ICs using its silicon bipolar and CMOS technologies. One of the first announcements under the new banner is a joint venture with Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (AMCC) of San Diego, CA, to develop multi-channel 10 Gbit/s parallel fiber modules. The companies previously worked together on short-reach optical solutions operating at 2.5 Gbit/s per channel. While 10 Gbit/s parallel modules are suitable for 40 Gbit/s transponders that comply with the Optical Internetworking Forum standards, Zarlink intends to bundle twelve 850 nm VCSELs into a parallel fiber module for an aggregate bandwidth of 120 Gbit/s. This represents a fourfold increase in data rate for short-reach optical links used in scalable multi-chassis routers, switches and optical cross-connects, and central offices. AMCC will provide physical layer, switch fabric, network processing and framer products. These include a 3.2 Gbit/s CMOS quad driver, and a SiGe TIA with integrated limiting amplifier.
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