Technical Insight

Profitable future in European fiber optics (Market News)

Companies selling components for fiber-optic networks in Europe can look forward to billions of dollars in sales during the next five years, according to a new series of reports from Allied Business Intelligence (ABI). Explaining Europe s unique position, ABI senior vice-president of broadband communications, Marc Liggio, said, "With more recent deregulation and progress in the building of the European Union and a more conducive geography the population centers are closely tied together many carriers have seen the opportunity for fiber optics to serve the pan-European market." The report forecasts that by 2005 the European market sizes in a number of areas will be as follows:
  • Semiconductor amplifiers $138 million;
  • Next-generation optical infrastructure $921 million;
  • DWDM market $753 million;
  • Broadband photodiodes $169 million;
  • VCSELs $213 million;
  • Fiber-optic receivers $1 billion;
  • EDFAs $722 million.
  • "The European Fiber Optic Deployment Series" is available from ABI see "www.alliedworld.com".
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