Technical Insight

Strong growth for wireless data subscriptions (Market News)

Gartner Dataquest is predicting that the North American wireless data market will grow from 7.3 million subscribers in 2000 to 137.5 million in 2005. This growth will be driven by the nationwide roll-out of packet data networks, increased usage of wireless devices to receive messages and e-mail, cheaper wireless data devices, and the development of company-specific applications to improve the productivity of mobile employees. The growth in wireless infrastructure and handsets will be significant for GaAs MMIC manufacturers. Handsets will continue to be the most widely used access device with personal digital assistants gaining in popularity as wireless connectivity becomes standard. Application-specific devices such as games with wireless capability, and the addition of QWERTY keyboards to handsets, will also appear during 20022003, taking advantage of higher-speed services. See "www.gartner.com" for further information.
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