Technical Insight

IN USA reduces ozone to safe levels (Product Showcase)

The reactivity and oxidative power of ozone has resulted in a wide variety of industrial applications such as semiconductor wafer manufacturing and ultra-pure water treatment. However, excess ozone generated in these applications can reach concentrations of 20% by weight (120 000 ppmv). To counter this dangerous build-up, IN USA has introduced the O3-CAT range of ozone catalysis systems to decompose the highly reactive molecule to oxygen at safer levels (i.e. below 0.1 ppmv). The O3-CAT system uses chemical adsorption at the solid surface of a catalyst bed, which decomposes ozone in an exothermic reaction to form oxygen. The O3-CAT design takes into account the temperature, flow and humidity levels of the sample (see ). Contact IN USA, 87 Crescent Road, Needham, MA 02494, USA Tel. +1 800 798 4029 Fax +1 781 444 9229 Web www.inusacorp.com
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