Technical Insight

Raytheon supplies PAs to Korean CDMA handset maker (GaAs News)

Raytheon s RF Components Division (Andover, MA) has entered into a high-volume production agreement to supply Korean handset manufacturer LG Electronics Co Ltd with its RMPA 1951 GaAs HBT power amplifier. LG Electronics is one of the largest wireless telephone manufacturers in Korea, and has earmarked the TM910 dual-band tri-mode handset for the US CDMA market. The company s RMPA 1951 is a small outline PA module designed for PCS and WLL applications that incorporates a DC power management capability designed to extend battery life. During peak telephone usage, current consumption is lowered by more than 60% and small signal gain by up to 10 dB, as a result of the amplifier s single reference control voltage. The device achieves a PAE of 35% at an average output power level of +29 dBm. With production slated to begin in October, Raytheon says the agreement marks the first in a series of anticipated production orders with LG Electronics. In more news, Raytheon has begun sampling its recently announced RTPA 5250 power amplifier/switching module, which targets wireless LAN applications with data rates up to 54 Mbit/s (see Compound Semiconductor April 2001, p32). Manufactured with Raytheon s 0.5 m PHEMT process, the module meets IEEE 802.11(a) and Hiperlan 2 standards, and delivers maximum allowable output power for indoor applications in the 5.155.25 GHz band. Production deliveries are expected in the third quarter of the year (see ).
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