Technical Insight

Processing equipment news: WIN buys more tools (Materials and Equipment)

WIN Semiconductors, a Taiwanese manufacturer of GaAs MMICs, has placed an order for a ZBA electron beam lithography tool from Leica Microsystems. Leica says this is the third ZBA e-beam writer it has installed in the region. "Leica s e-beam tool offers a mature solution for industrial deep sub-micron lithography," said Fritz Hohn, president of Leica s Semiconductor Equipment Division. "In addition, the system is designed for integration with Leica s existing metrology, analysis and measurement systems." KDF of Rockleigh, NJ, has won a contract to manufacture physical vapor deposition systems for Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL). KDF will build TEL s Eclipse system, a single-wafer, high-volume PVD tool used for front-end semiconductor applications. Two years ago KDF acquired all of TEL s in-line batch PVD products and support personnel. WIN Semiconductors has also ordered a 901G plasma etcher from Tegal of Petaluma, CA. WIN will use the tool to produce PHEMT MMICs and HBTs used in cellular phones and other handheld communication appliances. This is the second 901G etcher to be installed at WIN s 6 inch GaAs facility.
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