Technical Insight

High-speed GaAs PINs and PIN arrays (New Devices)

West Lafayette, IN. OptoLynx has unveiled a line of high-speed GaAs PINs and PIN arrays targeting 850 nm optical links operating up to 10 Gbit/s. The 10G PIN receiver features a 40 m diameter active area and exhibits a typical responsivity of 0.48 A/W and 0.28 pF capacitance. The 3.125G PIN is based on a 100 m diameter active area, and offers 0.55 A/W responsivity and a capacitance of 0.45 pF. Both devices exhibit a dark current of 50 pA, and operation is achieved using a 1.5 V bias. Both the 3.125G and 10G are available as single element detectors or as 1 4 and 1 12 arrays. Applications include serial and parallel Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, VSR SONET and proprietary links (see ). www.optolynx.com
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