Technical Insight

Aixtron upgrades reactor to 4 inch InP (Product Showcase)

Aixtron has unveiled an MOCVD system with a capacity for either 5 4 inch or 8 4 inch InP wafers. In common with the company s established AIX 2400/2600G3 Planetary reactors, the system features a cassette-to-cassette robot for direct loading/unloading, an RF heating unit for fast cooling/heating cycles, and control of reactor boundary conditions. "The compound semiconductor industry is preparing for the next generation of 40 Gbit/s ICs based on InP," said president Holger Juergensen. "Very soon, 4 inch [wafers] will dominate the market, as was the case earlier with GaAs, and we expect InP-based optoelectronics to move quickly from 3 to 4 inch wafers" (see ). Contact Octavia Schirmer, Aixtron AG, Kackertstrasse 15-17, 52072 Aachen, Germany Tel. +49 241 8909 474 Fax +49 241 8909 149 E-mail ocs@aixtron.com
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