Technical Insight

Ansoft models foundry processes (Product Showcase)

Ansoft has released version 8.7 of Serenade, the company s latest circuit and communication system design software. Created with the needs of MMIC and RFIC designers in mind, the latest version takes into account design considerations associated with foundry models. Serenade 8.7 applies Monte Carlo analysis to both circuit and system simulation engines, and allows the user to directly view the overall or individual circuit/system response based on specified component tolerances. Enhanced post-processing is also possible and includes animated plots to visualize circuits and systems, including such phenomena as the distortion resulting from non-linear behavior. Contact David DiOrio, Ansoft Corporation, 4 Station Square, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA Tel. +1 412 261 3200 Fax +1 412 471 9427 E-mail diorio@ansoft.com
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