Technical Insight

Cleaner flip-chip bonds and packages (Product Showcase)

Targeting flip-chip, optoelectronics and advanced high-reliability packages and assemblies, Austin American s Mega II system features a closed-loop solvent (or water) method that cleans electronic assemblies without producing waste streams. The system is suited to precision cleaning for pre-wire bonding applications and pre-conformal coating, as well as tight-tolerance cleaning during flip-chip and post-ball attachment cleaning of ball-grid arrays. The system also includes wash and rinse cycles that incorporate a spray-under-immersion process. Agitation can be controlled to handle sensitive wire-bonded substrates or tight-tolerance flip-chip technology. An ultrasonic assist is available as an option for tough cleaning (see ). Contact Jon Phelps, Austin American Technology Corporation, 12201-160 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727-6102, USA Tel. +1 512 335 6400 Fax +1 512 335 5753 E-mail jrphelps@aat-corp.com
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