Technical Insight

Robotic wax/spin-on bonder/debonder (Product Showcase)

EV Group (EVG) has introduced a fully-automated wax bonding, spin-on adhesive and adhesive film bonding and de-bonding system for compound semiconductor applications. The robotic system performs temporary bonding of fragile wafers on coated carriers; the latter can be completely processed and later de-bonded and removed. The EV850 accommodates wafer diameters up to 6 inches, and can be configured for dry adhesive films or spin-on intermediate layers such as wax. This approach provides a high level of uniformity for spin-on wax coating and bubble-free bonding in controlled atmospheres, while increasing throughput and eliminating wafer breakage (see ). Contact Rose Gismondi, EV Group, 1210 Pontiac Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island 02920, USA Tel. +1 401 784 0008 Fax +1 401 784 9933 E-mail r.gismondi@evgroup.com
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