Technical Insight

Wireless market looking healthy (Market News)

Despite the economic slowdown in many areas of communication technology, the wireless market is still growing, according to a new study from Allied Business Intelligence (ABI). The narrowband market is evolving as carriers move to 2.5G and 3G networks. The study predicts that there will be more than 1.7 billion 2G and 3G cellular/PCS subscribers by year-end 2006, with 500 million of these using wireless Internet access (see ). The move to the next generation of cellular technologies is good news for compound semiconductor IC producers, as infrastructure upgrades and replacement handsets will provide new orders. On the broadband wireless front, local multipoint distribution services (LMDS), multichannel multipoint distribution services (MMDS) and unlicensed band fixed wireless are looking at healthy future growth, with the MMDS subscriber base expected to reach 14 million by 2007 (see Compound Semiconductor June 2001, p19). Fiber rings have been built out in many urban areas, but not connected to the last mile. Wireless broadband will allow operators to reach the local loop quickly and efficiently. "Wireless Systems Outlook" is available from Allied Business Intelligence see www.alliedworld.com.
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