Technical Insight

Fitel unveils DFB laser series (New Devices)

Clinton, NJ. Fitel Technologies has released a new series of distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes for WDM transmission systems (see ). Manufactured by parent company Furukawa Electric, the new lasers include a series of 1550 nm CW and directly-modulated DFBs for OC-48/STM-16 (2.5 Gbit/s) DWDM transmission systems. The series is available in power outputs from 10 to 40 mW. Fitel has also unveiled a 1550 nm DFB laser with an integrated wavelength monitor for high-speed, long-haul optical networks. Furukawa currently holds nearly 70% of the total market share for 14xx nm pump lasers. Full production is scheduled for the end of the year. www.fitel.com
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