Technical Insight

New GaAs MMIC products from UMS (New Devices)

Orsay, France. United Monolithic Semiconductors (UMS) has released several new GaAs-based products, including a wideband LNA that employs the company s self-biasing technology to remove the need for external tuning components. The CHA2069RAF operates from 1831 GHz, with a gain of 19 dBm and noise figure of 3 dB. Output power at 1 dB gain compression is 9 dBm. The CHA2098aRBF is a broadband three-stage buffer amplifier. The device operates from 2040 GHz with an 18 dB gain and output power of 15 dBm. Meanwhile, the CHA3093c is a medium power four-stage amplifier manufactured using UMS power PHEMT process. This device operates over the same frequency range with a 21 dB gain and output power of 20 dBm. An 8.5 GHz frequency divider is also available that features an input frequency range (F0) of 1.08.5 GHz and output power noise level (F0/4) of 2 dBm. www.ums-gaas.com
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